
When we lose someone and begin to think about funerals it can be very over whelming. Your funeral director will do much in helping guide you through this process.

Clergy from the parish are available to take services in the church or at the cemetery of a crematorium.

If you feel that St Peter ad Vincula Church would be an option for you, in the first instance please contact your chosen funeral director. If you feel that you need further assistance please contact the office on 01376 790189 or email

We work with families in putting together a service that will best reflect the deceased and their life at the same time as speaking of the hope of eternal life into which God calls us.

Bereavement and how St Peter's Church can help

A Christian funeral acknowledges your sense of grief and sorrow and it also offers hope and encouragement. You will probably have heard it said in this fast moving world of ours, that ‘the funeral gives closure’.

In our experience, it is unlikely that it does, particularly for the family and loved ones of the deceased. And, remember that grief is individual; it is not a one-size-fits-all experience.

Prince Harry recently talked about the death of his mother, Princess Diana and said “For the first 28 years of my life, I never talked about it.”

Whatever your reason for attending a funeral, it will probably stir up a mixture of thoughts and feelings. Grief, pain, guilt and anger may be some of these feelings, and you may find you have other questions too.

Is there any meaning to life? What happens when we die? Is there a God? Does He care for me? The Christian faith does not offer easy answers to these deep questions but it does bring confidence and hope to millions of ordinary people as they face these issues and as they live their daily lives.

Christianity speaks of the resurrection of Jesus and the reality of heaven. It reminds us that He is with us offering strength and comfort.

It may be years since you went to Church. You may never have heard or understood the Christian message of hope.

If you feel that now would be a good time for you to think about this and how it affects your life, you may like to speak to someone you know who is a Christian or your Priest. They will be glad to support and encourage you as you seek to respond to the thoughts and feelings raised by this time of loss.

Here in the Coggeshall and surrounding areas, we are able to offer help from trained listeners in dealing with your feelings, and this service is offered free of charge and is confidential. No one will visit or contact you unless you request it.

Do you need help?

If you would like support with bereavement please contact:
Sarah Glossop – via the office at