What if you’re new?
What to expect if you are new to St Peter's.
Maybe you’ve never been inside a Church, but you are curious, wondering if this is something you should explore.
Wondering if there’s more to life than what you’ve experienced so far. Maybe you haven’t been to Church for a long time. Don’t worry – you will be given a warm welcome!
Please be assured, we won’t jump on you or get you to sign on the dotted line as soon as you enter the Church!
A friendly welcome
What you will find is a friendly welcome. You don’t have to talk to anyone if you don’t want to. You can sit in peace and anywhere in the Church.
Donations are welcome and how much you contribute is up to you and is entirely private.
The words of the service are on the screen together with the hymns and instructions as to when to sit and when to stand, etc. We hope this will make you feel comfortable and make it easier to follow the service.
Tea and coffee is served after the 9.30am Sunday service and you are very welcome to join us. We aim for our services to last about an hour.
We do hope you will come. Everyone is welcome at St. Peter’s!